Message to Families Friday May 17, 2024

Posted On Friday May 17, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians;

Please see below for our weekly updates and information:


Parent Engagement Event:

The Parent Engagement team is hosting a second speaker event on Wednesday June 12th.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

The lighterside of Mental Health_Speaker Series.pdf 


Signing Students Out :

Please be aware that students cannot be signed out to remain at school or to attend a school event in which they are not a part of.  If you are signing your student out, you are taking responsibility for the student and they are leaving the school/school property.  If you have any questions, please reach out to the school.


Safe Driving:

As more students are earning their drivers’ licenses and are driving to and from school, we ask that you please re-enforce the importance of safe driving in and around the school especially during pick up and drop off times when the parking lot is busy.  Remind students if they are driving to be patient and the extra 10 seconds or so that they might gain from speeding in the parking lot or cutting someone off are not worth the risks of someone getting hurt.  Students did recently have presentations on accident awareness and we are hopeful that they are taking the messages seriously so that all of our students can get home to their families safely.


Good Neighbour Policy:

We also greatly appreciate your support in re-enforcing the good neighbour policy.  Please respect our neighbours properties and use the sidewalks, do not litter and also be mindful of noise whether in a vehicle or when in large groups.  Also, please speak to students about the importance of respect and not loitering in front of other homes or at the community plaza’s.  We thank all of our students who continue to be respectful on a daily basis but also appreciate the reminders for those who may forget.


Prohibited Nuisance Items and TikTok Challenges:

A recent TikTok challenge has taken place at secondary schools wherein students sign up to purposefully bring water-pistols/squirt-guns/etc. to school to participate in an elimination style game.  Currently the games is targeted to our graduating students and is called “Senior Assassin”.  Students receive the location of their target and must video them being eliminated in order to move on.  This can pose a number of safety concerns and it is important that students are made aware of potential risks and also reminded of our code of conduct.

We would ask that all students avoid bringing prohibited nuisance items like water-pistols/squirt-guns/etc. to school and we also ask that parents/guardians/caregivers speak to their kids about not bringing these prohibited nuisance items to school.


Exam Supports and Well-Being:

On June 5 and 6 at lunch in the Guidance office, a Child and Youth Support Worker from the DDSB will be available to assist supporting students in managing their end of year assignments and exam preparation. This short workshop will look at time management, stress, exam preparation and well-being.  Students can eat lunch, listen and learn as they get ready for the end of the semester.  Additional information and sign-up will be posted on the grade level google classrooms.


School Community Council:

This coming Wednesday will be our last SCC meeting.  This meeting will be held in a hybrid model both in person at school (refreshments provided) and virtually at the following link: .  The meeting will be held from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.  We hope to you there!


Upcoming Dates at a Glance:

May 20                Holiday – School Closed

May 22                Durham Forest Trip (Varitimidis)

May 23                Track and Field (LOSSA)

May 24                Track and Field (LOSSA)

May 24                Wonderland Business Trip (Reid)

May 24                Grad Formal – Ajax Convention Centre

May 28                STEM Symposium @ G.L. Roberts (Leone)

May 29                Wonderland Trip (Music)

May 29               OFSAA Track Regionals

May 29                Spring Games (period 3 & 4)

May 30                Beach Volleyball (Baran) @ Pickering Playing Fields

May 31                Yusuf Hirji Elementary Soccer Tournament @ PRSS


Wishing all of our families a very safe and wonderful long weekend!