Due to expected weather conditions and buss cancellations today, the second round of testing has been postponed until Friday January 20th 2023!
Upcoming EQAO Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics
Between January 18, 2022 and January 20, 2023, our Grade 9 students at Pine Ridge will be taking part in the Education Quality and Accountability Office’s (EQAO’s) online Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics. Students must be present in their class on the days of assessment to write the test online. The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate student learning of the knowledge and skills in the Grade 9 mathematics curriculum.
Students will complete the assessment in two online sessions (Session A and Session B), and each session will be completed in one sitting. The assessment will automatically adapt to the individual student’s level of proficiency as the student progresses through each session. Students will also be presented with a questionnaire.
After the assessment sessions are complete, teachers will receive individual student results. The results may count toward up to 5% of a student’s final course mark. It will be the student’s choice to include or exclude the mark from the assessment into their final grade. Students with an IEP will be receiving a letter detailing their accommodations.
Testing Location & Time: In your math classroom on student Chromebooks
What to Expect - About the Test
Before the Test | Receive information about test (i.e., this letter) | Complete a sample online testing session with your teacher | Expected time to complete |
Wed. Jan 18th | Session A - online | 27 Questions | 50 Minutes
with extra time if needed |
Thurs. Jan 20th | Session B – online | 27 Questions | 50 Minutes
with extra time if needed |
After the test | Student Online Questionnaire |