In preparation for exams this semester, all students must read and understand the following exam rules and procedures.
- Exams are from Wednesday, June 19th to Monday, June 24 th, 2024. The exam schedule is available on the school website and in student Google Classrooms.
- Exams begin at 8:30am and run for 1.5 or 2.0 hours. Students are responsible for arriving on time with adequate writing supplies and a charged Chromebook (if it is required for the exam)
- Students arriving late for exams must report to the office BEFORE going to the exam. Students arriving late may be given the remaining scheduled time to write the exam.
- Exam Attendance: Examinations are marked on the school calendar. Students are expected to write scheduled exams during these time periods. The Code of Conduct outlined in the school agenda states that “Students absent from a final examination, or summative task, must prove, to the satisfaction of administration, that the absence was unavoidable or a mark of zero may be assigned.” If a student is absent due to illness on their exam date, the family is responsible for contacting Administration.
- Buses – If buses are cancelled for any reason, exams scheduled for that day will be rescheduled for the following day. All exams will move to the next day in the schedule. (Ex. Exam of June 20 th would move to the 21 st).
- School buses will run on the regular schedule.
- After their exam, students must leave the school property. The only exception to this rule is students who usually take the school bus. These students must either remain in the cafeteria or leave school property.
- Cafeteria Service: There will be NO cafeteria service or food sales during the examination period. Students remaining in the building must bring their own lunch. Students will NOT be able to go in and out of the building during EXAM DAYS.
- Students are not to be in the halls while exams are in session.
- From June 19th to June 26th, students are only to be on school property when they have a scheduled exam or have been requested to attend by their classroom teacher.
- The Library Commons will NOT be open during the examination period. This space is being utilized for students writing exams.
- There will be NO LOCKER ACCESS DURING EXAM DAYS. Please ensure that all materials are taken home on June 18th. Locker clean-out took place on June 5th . All belongings will need to go with students to the exam room and left at the front of the class.
- Students may not bring to their seat in the examination room, or during the examination, refer to any books, papers, electronic devices (including phones, smartwatches, etc.) or other aids, unless stated by the teacher on the examination paper that authorizes the use of such material/equipment. If such materials are brought to an exam room, students must leave them at the front of the room. Using/possessing unauthorized material or electronic devices (smartphones, wearables, etc.) during an exam may be perceived as cheating.
- Students shall not communicate with one another in any manner or format whatsoever during the examination. Communicating with another student during the exam may be perceived as cheating.
- If there is a suspicion of cheating or assisting someone else to cheat, the student and their examination papers will be brought to the office. An administrator, in consultation with the classroom teacher, may assign a mark of zero, or other school consequences.
- Students may not leave the examination room unescorted for any reason, including using the washroom.
- Students writing 1.5-hour exams must remain in the exam room for the entire duration of the exam. Students writing 2-hour exams may only leave at the 1.5-hour mark or stay for the duration of the exam.
- Tuesday, June 25th, 2024, is Exam Review and Credit Completion Day. The school will offer an opportunity on this day for students to review exams or participate in Credit Completion (if offered by the classroom teacher**). Please note, this is an OPTIONAL DAY for students, as regular classes will NOT be running.
**Credit completion is at the professional judgment and discretion of the classroom teacher.
WEDNEDSAY, June 19th, 2024
Time | Credit Completion |
8:00 - 10:40 am & 11:20 - 2:00 pm |
Credit Completion Activities if needed IN Person / Virtual |
Final Exam Review |
8:00 - 9:00 am |
Period 1 |
9:30 - 10:30 am |
Period 2 |
11:30 - 12:30 pm |
Period 3 |
1:00 - 2:00 pm |
Period 4 |
