Technological Education





Technological innovation influences all areas of life, from the daily lives of individuals to the work of business and government, to interactions on a global scale. It helps meet basic human needs and provides tools for improving people's lives and exploring new frontiers.


Pine Ridge Secondary School offers a variety technological education subject areas that allows students to acquire the technological skills and knowledge necessary to participate fully in a competitive global economy and to become responsible citizens in an environmentally vulnerable world. Students can choose courses in  Culinary Arts, Communications, Construction, Computer Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technological Design.


To succeed in today's society, students need to be effective problem solvers and critical thinkers, able to understand, question, and respond to the demands of today’s workforce.


Students who pursue subjects in technological education are prepared and informed to help them discern a specific career path.


Grade 9 Offerings

GRADE 9 – Two Course Offerings


[2 Components in the Semester]

This exploratory course will offer TIJ 101 and TIJ107. The TIJ 107 has a S.T.E.M. focus. These courses introduce students to concepts and skills related to technological design, which involves the development of solutions to various design challenges and the fabrication of models or prototypes of those solutions. Students will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers.

C.A.D. Component [1/2 Semester]


Cad Drawing House Main Floor  3D Printed Motorcycle  CAD Drawing Motorcycle


The focus of this 9-week component of the course is to enable students to understand the technological concepts, as well as, pursuing technological education further. Students This part of the course introduces students to concepts and skills related to technological design, which involves Computer Assisted Drawing (CAD) to create 2D and 3D drawings and design solutions to various design challenges.

MANUFACTURING Component [1/2 Semester]

            Manufacturing Picture 1                     Manufacturing Picture 2


The focus of this 9-week component of the course is to introduce students to concepts and skills related to manufacturing

technology, which encompasses technical drawing, properties and preparation of materials, manufacturing techniques.


TIJ 10J Exploring Technologies [OPEN]


COMMUNICATIONS Component [1/2 Semester]

This exploratory course introduces students to design and problem-solving concepts and skills in communications technology, which encompasses television/video and movie production, radio and audio production, print and graphic communications, photography, and interactive new media and animation. Students will develop an awareness of how different disciplines of technology can connect as well as study related environmental and societal issues, and will begin to explore secondary and post-secondary pathways leading to careers in the field.

CULINARY ARTS Component [1/2 Semester]


               Culinary Pic 1                                       Culinary Pic 2


This 9-week exploratory course introduces students to concepts and skills related to hospitality and tourism, focusing on the areas of food handling, food preparation, and the origins of foods, event planning, and local tourism. This part of the course introduces students to concepts and skills related to hospitality and tourism, focusing on the areas of food handling, food preparation and baking.


Communication Technology 

  Comm Tech Camera                                               Cartoon Tiger


TGJ 201 Communications Technology [Grade 10 OPEN]

This course introduces students to communications technology from a media perspective.  Students will work in the areas of TV/video and movie production, audio production, print and graphic communications, and animation. Students will also develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology and will explore secondary and postsecondary education and training pathways and career opportunities in the various Comm Tech fields.


TGV 3M1 Communications Technology [Grade 11 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE]


This course examines communications technology from a media perspective. Students will develop knowledge and skills as they design and produce media projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. These areas may include TV, video, and movie production; audio production; graphic design communications; digital imaging; and broadcast journalism. Students will also develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues and will explore college and university programs and career opportunities in the various Comm Tech fields.


TGV 4M1 Communications Technology [Grade 12 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE]


This course profile provides a framework for extending and deepening the skills and knowledge students have developed in Grade 11 Communications Technology. The class will examine the impact of media on society, communications design and production processes in the areas of electronic, live, recorded, and graphic communications. Students create, manage and distribute complex electronic, graphic, recorded or audio-visual projects independently and in project teams. Students also study industry standards and regulations, and health and safety issues, as well as explore careers, the importance of lifelong learning and the impact of communications technology on society and the environment.

Computer Technology

           Computer Tech Pic 1      Computer Tech Pic 2        Computer Tech Pic 3



 TEJ 201 Computer Technology [Grade 10 OPEN]


This course introduces students to computer systems, networking, and interfacing, as well as electronics and robotics.  This course examines computer hardware and the control of external components from an engineering perspective. Students will learn to solve problems and will study the functions of key computer components and peripherals, logic gates, fundamental programming concepts, internal numbering and character representation systems, and operating systems and networks. Students will also develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues and will learn about secondary and postsecondary pathways and career opportunities in computer technology.


Construction Technology

Construction Pic 1


TCJ 3C1 Construction Technology [Grade 11 COLLEGE]


This course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills related to residential construction. Students will gain hands-on experience using a variety of construction materials, processes, tools, and equipment; learn about building design and planning construction projects; create and interpret working drawings and sections; and learn how the Ontario Building Code and other regulations and standards apply to construction projects. Students will also develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to construction technology and will explore career opportunities in the field.


Hospitality & Tourism 

                                      Hospitality Pic 1                 Hospitality Pic 2                 Hospitality Pic 3


TFJ 201 Hospitality & Tourism Technology [Grade 10 OPEN]


This course emphasizes the scope of the hospitality and tourism industry. Students will study food origins, food-handling techniques and food preparation, health and safety standards, and the use of specialized tools and equipment. They will also investigate travel and tourism activities in Ontario, develop effective communication and management skills, and identify career opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry.




Hospitality Pic 6                                Hospitality Pic 7


TFC 3E1 Hospitality & Tourism Technology [Grade 11 WORKPLACE]

This course focuses on food preparation, management, hospitality and tourism activities. Students will learn how to prepare, present and serve food. Plan manage and promote activities. Throughout the course, they will learn the fundamentals of providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction. Students will also study the occupational health and safety standards, laws regulating the hospitality industry, explore the social and environmental impacts and identify possible careers.


TFC 4E1 Hospitality & Tourism Technology [Grade 12 WORKPLACE]


This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to the food and beverage services sector of the tourism industry. Students will demonstrate proficiency in using food preparation and presentation tools and equipment: Plan nutritious menus, create recipes and  prepare and present finished food products. Students will expand they awareness of health and safety practices, environmental and societal issues and career opportunities in the food and beverage service sector.





Hospitality Pic 4                                                                      Hospitality Pic 5


TFB 3E1 Hospitality & Tourism Technology [Grade 11 WORKPLACE]


This course enables students to acquire knowledge and skills related to the preparation of baked goods. Students will learn the aspect of working in a bakeshop, from breads, cookies and pies to the artistry of chocolate and cake decorating. The students will study careers in the field and be exposed to various businesses where baker and / or pastry chef is employed. Students will also study the occupational health and safety standards and laws regulating the Hospitality and Tourism industry.


TFB 4E1 Hospitality & Tourism Technology [Grade 12 WORKPLACE]


This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to the food and beverage services sector of the tourism industry. Students will demonstrate proficiency in using food preparation and presentation tools and equipment; Plan nutritious menus, create recipes and  prepare and present finished food products. Students will expand they awareness of health and safety practices, environmental and societal issues and career opportunities in the food and beverage service sector.





Manufacturing Technology 
Manufacturing Pic 1              Manufacturing Pic 2             Manufacturing Pic 3

TMJ 201 Manufacturing Technology [Grade 10 OPEN]


This course introduces students to the scope of the manufacturing industry, the various components used in the design of products, the industrial tools and equipment used, and methods of manufacturing, including assembly-line production. Students will learn about technical drawing; preparation processes; manufacturing techniques; power, electronic, and quality control systems; careers in the manufacturing field; and the role of entrepreneurs in Canadian society.



Technological Design
Technological Design Pic 1             Technological Design Pic 2               Technological Design Pic 3

TDJ 201 Technological Design [Grade 10 OPEN]


This course provides students with opportunities to apply a design process to meet a variety of technological challenges. Students will research projects, create designs, build models and/or Prototypes, and assess products and/or processes using appropriate tools, techniques, and strategies. Student projects may include designs for homes, vehicles, bridges, robotic arms, clothing, or other products. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to technological design and will learn about secondary and postsecondary education and training leading to careers in the field. The course is extremely useful for students pursuing a higher education in the architectural, engineering or graphics field. It can also act as a testing ground for students to see if they have an aptitude in this area. It offers students to expand their creativity, spontaneity, and intuition.

 Manufacturing Pic 4


TDJ 3M1 Technological Design [Grade 11 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE]


This course introduces students to the fundamentals of design advocacy and marketing, while building on their design skills and their knowledge of professional design practices. Students will apply a systematic design process to research, design, build, and assess solutions that meet specific human needs, using illustrations, presentation drawings, and other communication methods to present their designs. Students will enhance their problem-solving and communication skills and will explore career opportunities and the postsecondary education and training requirements for them.

Technological Design Pic 4 


TDJ 4M1 Technological Design [Grade 12 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE]


This course introduces students to the fundamentals of design advocacy and marketing, while building on their design skills and their knowledge of professional design practices. Students will apply a systematic design process to research, design, build, and assess solutions that meet specific human needs, using illustrations, presentation drawings, and other communication methods to present their designs. Students will enhance their problem-solving and communication skills and will explore career opportunities and the postsecondary education and training requirements for them.




 Videos From Our Technological Education Department.